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Want To Lose Weight? Watch Out for These Foods

https://i0.wp.com/cache.static.tsavo.com/wordpress/uploads/2010/12/LosingWeight.jpgThe holidays are a time to eat, drink and be merry.  But you’ve done all that.  And now your New Year’s resolution is focusing on how to lose those 10 lbs of extra merriment.  You know eating healthy and exercise are key, but watch out for these foods that sound like they’re excellent for you – they’re really loaded with calories.

We’ve compiled a small list of diet busters below (care of Fit Perez) to help ensure you keep that New Year’s resolution!

Sushi Rolls

Yes, sushi is tasty, and it can be quite healthy.  But not every sushi roll is made equal.  Sushi can be fried, breaded, and even topped with mayo.  The healthiest sushi choices are veggie and fish based – avoid the ‘special sauces’ whenever you can.


Check the marks!  And don’t necessarily believe what’s written on the front of the package.  Sure, there are plenty of yogurt that are low-stout, low-sugar and still super yummy.  Just be sure to do your research.


Salads can be tough.  I mean, the lettuce and veggies are healthy enough, but adding salad dressing, bacon and other non-vegetable toppings are not.  Order dressing on the side, and avoid salads with too much cheese or fatty meat.

Energy Bars

These are fantastic if you’re training for a race of another physically demanding activity, but for most normal people, their calorie counts are just too high to be eaten as a regular snack.  Use energy bars as a meal replacement or skip them all together.  Or, if you’re looking for a quick boost, look for bars with lower calorie counts.


Granola sound healthy, but if you eat too much, it can be the nutritional equivalent of a candy bar.  Be sure to check the mark for the recommended serving size.  It’s usually a lot smaller than you reckon!

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