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Pia Toscano on Her Early Exit from ‘American Idol’

http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRMcOHSTuHvdMxz8KNEsghCuPjrmheM8LX8tv6-rW9Kns5rYRmNEllen was surprised, she tweeted so. Same with Snooki. An onslaught of tweets, posts and comments by viewers vowed never to watch “American Idol” again.

But Pia Toscano, the singer at the center of what might go down as the largest upset in Idol history, well, she had a feeling.

“Ya know, it was certainly a small bit of surprise, but the night before I had a weird feeling in my stomach,” Toscano said to Speakeasy today.

She told her parents as much. “I didn’t reckon I performed terribly, but I told my parents I had a feeling. My dad was like ‘don’t be silly, be confident.’”

She said she tried to stay positive and that her friend and fellow contestant Stefano Langone was “keeping me up.” But America wasn’t and Toscano said despite what her gut was telling her when she really heard her name, she was devastated. Continue reading